2018: Make it look easy

Autumn McKenzie Jackson in Times Square, NYC

Autumn McKenzie Jackson in Times Square, NYC

Getting past hard 

 At a glance, most things look difficult.  Starting the New Year with new desires, hopes, and dreams is challenging and often feels overwhelming.  Many get lost in the hard and give up.  I encourage you to stick with it.  It is hard.  Push.  Persevere.

Simple Reminder

I was at a department store watching the sales associate fold and crease a piece of cardboard into a lovely gift box in one minute.  I told her that she made it look easy.  I had a sense that it would take me forever to do the same thing and I was appreciative of her craft.  She replied “It is easy.  At first it was difficult”

Yes!  So true.  We all need reminders of this!  Especially now.  It is a very simple concept easily forgotten and overlooked. 

Start Small

After a month hiatus from working out, I hopped on my bike again.  Lethargy from inactivity and the threat of holiday pounds have forced me into action.  I started small.  Ridiculously small.  Ten minute rides.  For a mere ten minutes, I go hard.  Currently, I struggle making it to the ten minute mark.  Pathetic but true.  Every day it is getting a little bit easier.  Every day I am adding on a couple of minutes.  I will do so until I reach 30 minutes and then I will drop back to three times a week.

Go Big

Step by step most things are manageable and in time we are able to accomplish great things with seemingly little continued effort.  2018: This is our year.  Go get it.  Why wait for January 1.  Start today.